bamboo curtain: translation

Synonyms and related words:
Berlin wall, Pillars of Hercules, arch dam, backstop, bank, bar, barrage, barrier, barrier of secrecy, bear-trap dam, beaver dam, blackout, boom, border, border ground, borderland, breakwater, breastwork, brick wall, buffer, bulkhead, bulwark, censorship, cofferdam, curtain, dam, defense, dike, ditch, earthwork, embankment, fence, frontier, frontier post, gate, gravity dam, groin, hush-up, hydraulic-fill dam, iron curtain, ironbound security, jam, jetty, leaping weir, levee, logjam, march, marches, marchland, milldam, moat, mole, mound, oath of secrecy, official secrecy, outpost, outskirts, pall, parapet, portcullis, rampart, repression, roadblock, rock-fill dam, seal of secrecy, seawall, security, shutter dam, smothering, stifling, stone wall, suppression, three-mile limit, twelve-mile limit, veil, veil of secrecy, wall, weir, wicket dam, work, wraps

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Смотреть что такое BAMBOO CURTAIN в других словарях:


the Bamboo Curtainист. "бамбуковый занавес" (самоизоляция КНР от внешнего мира)

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