Synonyms and related words:
abdomen, abomasum, bay window, belly, breadbasket, craw, crop, diaphragm, embonpoint, first stomach, gizzard, gullet, gut, honeycomb stomach, kishkes, manyplies, maw, midriff, omasum, paunch, pot, potbelly, potgut, psalterium, pusgut, rennet bag, reticulum, rumen, second stomach, spare tire, stomach, swagbelly, third stomach, tum-tum, tummy, underbelly, ventripotence

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Смотреть что такое BEERBELLY в других словарях:


• Consequence of too much suds, so to speak • Feature shared by Homer Simpson and Norm Peterson • Joe Six-pack's excess • Joe Six-Pack's overhang • Po... смотреть

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